Main | Television Series | 1983 Anime Series
TV Anime (24 Eps) Group TAC / Toho Nippon TV
Fall 1983

Igano Kabamaru

One day, Ran Okubo, the director of a prestigious high school in Tokyo, travels to the mountains where her first love, ninja master Saizo Igano, spent his youth. She is shocked to discover that Saizo has already passed away but his grandson, Kabamaru, is a mirror image of him in his youth. With no living relatives, Ran decides to take Kabamaru back to Tokyo with her. For Kabamaru, who spent his entire life training in the mountains, Kingyoku Academy is like stepping into another world. On top of that, when he meets Ran's granddaughter Mei, it's love at first sight. The rival Ougyoku Academy also creates many problems for Kabamaru as the clueless ninja falls into the student council's various plots. Hayate, an old friend turned rival, also makes an appearance as an Ougyoku student.

OP: Circus Game by Sugar
ED: Suimasen My Love by Sugar

Availability: English Fansubs

Related Media
Igano Kabamaru (1979 Manga)
Igano Kabamaru (1983 Live-Action Film)